Typical products
The coastal area between Fondi and Sperlonga is suitable for the production of vegetables, among which two products are really typical: the White Celery and the Romanesco Zucchini.
White Celery
Cultivated in the area of Fondi and Sperlonga, characterized by very favourable soil
and climate conditions for celery farming, it has a typical white colour with a light green shade.
It is slightly fibrous and has mildly clear ribbing.
Flavourful and with a sweet and aromatic taste, it is particularly suitable for fresh consumption.
Romanesco Zucchini
Typical courgette of Lazio, it is characterized by light stripes on the green peel and a star shape; facets and edges are very clear.
The pulp is firm, not much watery, sweet and with a quite strong flavour.